“The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention.” – Rachel Naomi Remen
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When we listen attentively and with the utmost appreciation, wonderful things happen. Through our own stillness of mind and openness of heart, we enable others to think through the things which may previously have felt stuck and know what’s right in ways unknown before. In the quiet presence of exquisite attention and ease, the magic happens.
As a coach, deep listening is the key quality I bring for my clients. Listening to what is said and not said, to what is heard and felt, sensed and resisted, noticed and ignored.
“Attentive listening means giving one’s total and undivided attention to the other person and tells the other that we are interested and concerned. Listening is difficult work that we will not undertake unless we have deep respect and care for the other … we listen not only with our ears, but with our eyes, mind, heart and imagination, as well …. We listen to the words of the other, but we also listen to the messages buried in the words. We listen to the voice, the appearance, and the body language of the other …. We simply try to absorb everything the speaker is saying verbally and nonverbally without adding, subtracting, or amending.” – Carl Rogers

What people say…
CO, Head of HR
Novartis Pharmaceuticals
“Claire provides a positive framework for asking thought- provoking questions, listening deeply and helping her clients find solutions which stretch and develop them, bringing them closer to their goals each time.”