Summer Solstice

"Slowly we discover how to see as if for the first time, how to open ourselves to sense...with our whole body." Sandra Sabatini, Yoga Through the Seasons.

The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year, and in the Northern Hemisphere the 20th June rings the official start of summer.

Derived from Latin, Solstice means ‘Sun standing still’: Sol (Sun) sistere (to stand still) and occurs twice yearly when movement of the sun’s path (as seen from Earth) comes to a stop before it reverses direction. In June the solstice happens between the 20th and the 23rd. Around this time of year we are presented with ample hours of sunlight, warm-weather and summer fun activities.

This auscpiscious time of year is also a time for us to honour the sun, to pay homage to its great offerings and to celebrate our own inner light and wholeness.

This experiential workshop is an invitiation to explore a series of nourishing pracitices which will in their turn honour our inter-connectedness to nature and the sun. Surround yourself with the feeling of summer, from our roots to our potentialities of growth, from earth to sky and from nature to nurture.

We will hold a safe space for you within which we will encourage an open dialogue between our body, our breath and mind. We will explore ancient practices brought into the modern light, to refine our perceptions and enjoy a space from the inside and out. Enjoy this day alongside like minded friends and colleagues or see it as an opportunity for you to connect to your true nature.

Find out more and buy tickets here…
